Sunday 29 March 2015

Kite Day

What a fantastic Friday we had! It was so cool seeing all the room five children joining in with the rest of the school and flying their kites on the field. We had a lot of fun making them in class even if it was a test of our listening skills! 

Sunday 22 March 2015

Week 7 in Room 5

It is wonderful see members of our class getting so involved with jump jam - well done Alex. 

Congratulations Logan and Sophie who were presented with their Duffy Books by our special guest on Wednesday!

 The Bunnies read all about making Hedgehogs this week so on Thursday they made some of their own - I don't remember there being that many marshmallows in the recipe!!!

Athletics day was fantastic - thanks Mr Marsh we all had heaps of fun!!! 

Friday 6 March 2015

Library visit.

On Wednesday we had some visitors from the library who read some wonderful books to the children. It was a ver interactive session. The children had a great time! 

iPad update

This week a small group of children learned how to publish their stories using the 'book creator' iPad app.

The app 'experts' will now be able to teach the other class members. It is an exciting way for the children to develop cooperative learning skills. 

Having fun at Pasifika

Last Friday we joined room one in the Kakano learning centre to join in some singing with visitors from Nui preschool. 
This will be a weekly occurrence in term 1 and 3.