Thursday 21 September 2017

Week Nine - Move Appropriately Between Different Areas

Kia ora whanau and caregivers,

This week the students have been practising moving sensibly between areas and remembering what school expectations are. This is in preparation for our beginning of term swimming lessons at AquaGym. 

Please remember that our lessons begin the first day back to school in Term 4. The students will need to also remember their swimming caps from Term 2 as these are a requirement to enter the pool at AquaGym.

The students had an amazing time sharing during Friday Shine Time and were so happy that there were as many whanau and caregivers that there were who attended!  Next Friday we have a shared lunch and house competition for students and their whanau. Please if you would like to come, prepare a plate, bring it in on Friday at 12:30pm (or send it with your tamariki in the morning) and come share in the festivities with us.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and gets some well deserved rest!

Nga mihi,

Nicholas Shimasaki

Thursday 14 September 2017

Week Eight - Sharing our Learning with Pride

Kia ora Whanau and Caregivers,

This weeks Positive Behaviour for Learning goal was to focus on 'Sharing our Learning with Pride'. The students have been putting in a lot of work remembering to share their learning with pride and have shared their learning this week with their whanau, their peers and other teachers. Interestingly, for many of the students they found it easy to make positive comments on another persons work but they found it significantly more challenging to make positive comments on their own work. All of the students in Room 5 have put in a huge effort this week with their learning and should be very proud. 

As part of our Positive Behaviour for Learning goal Room 5 discussed how it is OK to make mistakes and that mistakes and errors are steps towards learning new skills. We also practised positive self-talk and practising to show others our work with pride. By the end of the week the students were confidently sharing their work with others and were celebrating others success!  This was a pleasure to see! 

Next week Room 5 will be hosting Friday Shine Time. This is an opportunity for any whanau who would like to attend to pop in half an hour early on Friday (22nd September) to celebrate their tamariki and the learning they have achieved. There will be time for sharing, for some kai, for the children to read you their latest Reading book and also some time for the tamariki to teach you some of their learning games!  It would be great to see you all there!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and I look forwards to seeing you all on Monday!

Nga mihi,

Nick Shimasaki

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Week Seven - Rugby, Dance and all Sorts of Other Fun Learning

Kia ora whanau and caregivers,

Week Seven has been an amazing week for student learning and achievement in Room 5. The students have participated in some really exciting learning experiences and have been able to take a lot more responsibility in selecting the tasks which they complete to show that they have achieved their learning. In Dance the students considered sounds and how they might represent a certain feeling (like being scared or being angry). They have considered how these feelings might be represented as movements and explored locomotor and non-locomotor movement. This study of musical interpretation began with superhero theme songs and has culminated this week in the analysis of local Māori music. 

In Physical Education Room 5 has been practising a host of different large ball sports. The students and I began this unit by working collaboratively to select three different sports to participate in and practise. The students selected; football, rugby and netball. The students have since shown great patientce, practising and developing knowledge of each sport. The skills which we have focused on were; passing and recieving, stopping and scoring, and teamwork.  

Nga Mihi,

Nicholas Shimasaki