Monday 20 August 2018


We have been doing a lot of learning in our Writing about colours. We have learned how we use colour to define our emotions
 - blue for sad / cold
 - yellow for happy
  - red for angry / hot
We read the book "I'm NOT Just a Scribble" by Diane Alber. This book helped us how to relate to our emotions and how colour is a way of our showing how we feel.

We are now reading "Sky Colour" and learning that the sky is not always blue - it is often a mix of many colours.

The children had a lot of new learning (and fun!) using a prism in the sun to learn about how colours are made - the rainbow. 

Can you see the rainbow?
Two rainbows.
We had so much fun learning about colour, the rainbow and the SPECTRUM.

Sunday 5 August 2018

Anniversary Day - 110years

On Friday 3rd August Linwood North had its 110th birthday. It was a very big day for the whole school and we celebrated by having the official opening of our beautiful new hall.
In Room 5 we had an old fashhioned school day. We did our learning in a way that the children would have done 110 years ago.
We did handwriting with loops and curls. It's called cursive handwriting.
We drew and wrote on slates.
We used stencils to help us draw.

Lyrik was in the Kapa Haka group that performed in the anniversary ceremony. Look at her amazing pukana!

Elsie was in the Pasifika group. 
We were so proud of everyone on Friday.